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Apple Services revenue reached an all-time high of $26.34B in Q1, up 14% YoY, beating estimates and helping lift the company's gross margin to a record 46.9% (CNBC)

CNBC : Apple Services revenue reached an all-time high of $26.34B in Q1, up 14% YoY, beating estimates and helping lift the company's...

4 May 2023

Certain Affinity expands studio in Toronto in spite of downturn - 2023-05-04 13:30:00Z

Title:Certain Affinity expands studio in Toronto in spite of downturn Summary: Certain Affinity is hiring game developers and doubling its space in Toronto, Canada, as it expands to make its own games. Link: Certain Affinity expands studio in Toronto in spite of downturn

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