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Report: 79% of 475 AI experts believe current public perceptions of AI do not match R&D realities, while 76% said scaling current approaches will not yield AGI (Isaac Schultz/Gizmodo)

Isaac Schultz / Gizmodo : Report: 79% of 475 AI experts believe current public perceptions of AI do not match R&D realities, while 76...

31 March 2023

FW: Tweet by Guy Leech on Twitter




Guy Leech


1.5 hour call with a new customer (on a Friday night) to troubleshoot ‪@citrix and guess what the problem was?

Yes, D N S

Hosts file entries as a temporary band aid got them going after structured troubleshooting led

#PowerShell tnc (Test-NetConnection) was instrumental


17/02/2023, 20:38